Project Description

“Still others fell on good ground and produced a crop: some 100, some 60, and some 30 times what was sown.” Matthew 13:8 (HCSB)

Jesus addressed a large crowd of people, telling a parable (an earthly story with a heavenly meaning) to talk about a person’s heart. As the farmer scattered seed, it fell along the path, on rocky ground, among thorns, and on good soil. Jesus desires for His followers to have hearts (soil) that yield a harvest.

If your heart was soil, would your heart yield a great harvest? That’s a good question. Jesus’ parable helps us see 4 possible conditions of our heart and how each directly affects the harvest.

  • A calloused heart. This person has selective hearing and lacks spiritual desire to obey or possibly even acknowledge God. No fruit can be found.

  • A shallow heart. This person is often immature in the faith and too busy to take the time for a relationship with God. A mile wide and an inch deep, describes them perfectly. At first it looks like there might be fruit, but the evidence of fruit never appears.

  • A distracted heart. This person battles the worries of life and the deceitfulness of wealth and the fruit never ripens, or is small at best.

  • A productive heart. This person genuinely wants to obey God and fulfill His plan for their life. Fruit is abundant in this heart and the person’s whole family experiences the blessing of the fruit.

That’s what we want isn’t? But in order to plant a garden, the ground (soil), must first be broken. If you truly desire for God to produce in you a large crop, ask Him to till the ground of your heart … breaking up even the smallest of the hard places.

Are you willing to be broken for God’s glory? What is currently breaking your heart and making you humble before God and dependent upon Him?


  • We are as close to God today as we want to be. Ask God for a heart that desires more of Him.

  • Pray that God would draw our Church family closer to Himself during these 40Days and that God would produce a great harvest  in your life and in the lives of your church family.

  • Pray for the Haiti Mission Team now forming that the people God is drawing would follow His lead; for God’s wisdom in planning and God’s provision for the trip.