Your kids will love learning the Crazy Songs & Bible Verses, Playing the FUN Sports Like Basketball, Indoor Soccer and lots of other high-energy games and earning KidWise dollars to spend in the KidWise store.
KidWise meets Sunday Afternoons 4pm to 5:30pm (September – November & February – April)
Just for Kids Aged K-Grade 5
Everything each week for your Elementary Children, from Sundays @ 9am, 10:30am and KidWise is ALL geared around one theme giving you and your children the ability to focus on one thing to learn and apply together. Also we provide weekly take home sheets with devotions and activities designed to further enrich your child’s spiritual life. Some of the themes include:
- God
- Creation
- Scripture
- Sin
- Love
- Faith
- Cooperation
- Forgiveness
- Salvation
- Joy
- Peace
- Honor
- Courage
- Initiative
- Thankfulness
- Kindness
- Patience
- Prayer
- Mercy
- Righteousness
- Contentment
- Wisdom
- Obedience
- Truth
- Heaven
- Easter
- Worship
Each Lesson is also reinforced in indoor/outdoor activities where Your Kids will learn Team Sports (like basketball) and play games like 9 square and Octoball and Much, Much More!
You can pre-register your (K-Grade 5 Aged) child by filling out the form below or by calling the church office: (407) 330-0549. There is a $15 book and T-shirt charge that covers the entire KidWise Year (Fall & Spring). Make Checks payable to: LifeWay Church. You can Bring the $15 to the 1st KidWise you attend.
Sign Up Below. Just select SUN 4PM – KIDWISE…