Project Description

“ Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit…”  Matthew 28:19.

This passage of Scripture is known as the Great Commission. Some have taken it to be the Great Suggestion or by the way they live the Great Omission.  Jesus clearly says that you have a mission; we all do. When we become a part of God’s family, our mission is given to us by God himself: to help others join that family, too. Since God loves everyone, there is no one in the entire world he doesn’t want to be in his family.

When someone knows they are going to die or that they must go away, their last words to you are usually what’s most important to them and weighing most heavy upon them. Just before ascending into heaven Jesus gave us our mission. This was the command from the Lord – like a General giving orders to his soldiers to go into the battle field and fight – we ought to go in the world and share the Love of Jesus so that the people will take the narrow road to heaven instead of the broader road to hell.

We’re in a battle. Not against people, but against the enemy. By our words and how we live we can redirect traffic on the road to hell to a road bound for heaven. What better use do you have for your time or money than diverting people away from a destiny without God?

What might keep you from fulfilling your mission?

What is God asking you to do with your life today to help fulfill the Great Commission?

Pray Today:

  • Jesus is our Lord. He gives the orders. Let’s begin this day in prayer asking Him to show us the neighbors that he is wanting us to reach out to; Ask Jesus to create opportunities to get to know them and show His love for them.

  • Pray the Lord will give you boldness to share this Great News of Jesus when you sense His leading. Ephesians 6:19 “Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.”

  • Pray that more members would use their careers to take the gospel to places it’s never been.