JOB DESCRIPTION – Worship Pastor

This is a full-time position and reports directly to Lead Pastor, while working in harmony with the other staff at LifeWay.  The LifeWay staff works together as a team, doing whatever it takes to accomplish the overall mission of the Church.


This person must have a clear testimony of faith in Jesus Christ and a growing relationship with Jesus, a commitment to and victory in moral purity, a desire to work at a church that reaches the lost, and a strong calling to be in full-time vocational ministry. Must have a passion for and experience in ushering people into the presence of God.


A 4 year degree from a Bible College is a plus, but not a requirement. What is a requirement, however, is a strong Biblical foundation and world-view.


• Must have exceptional vocal/musical talent (Guitar is a must, other instruments a plus).
• Must be familiar with our style of worship: Current Passion, Bethel, Vertical Church, Elevation, North Point music, etc.
• Must have experience with leading a team of musicians.
• Must have experience developing new musicians and volunteers.


• Use of graphic design, video editing, web design etc. a plus.
• While this person doesn’t have to be the “video, lighting, computer & sound guy” all rolled into one, they must be able to “learn it & lead it.” A working knowledge in any of these areas is a huge plus.

Other Responsibilities:

• Weekly Staff Meeting
• Wednesday Night Student Worship, Currently 2 Services on Sunday Morning + Practice
• Worship Service planning: organized and planned in advance with Pastor
• Saturdays the office is closed and is used as a Sabbath.
• Office hours are flexible, but this is a full-time position.
• Oversite of Website Design/Updating
• Leading and/or regular participation in a LifeGroup
• Provide oversight of ministries along with pastoral care and encouragement to church members
• Oversee all creative aspects of weekly services including worship, lighting, projection, media elements, print and web
• Preparation and communication for occasional Sunday Morning Speaking Opportunities
• A positive attitude.
• A passion and drive for evangelism and reaching the unchurched.
• A high commitment to the local church.
• Based on personal giftings 10-15 hours weekly helping Senior Pastor in other areas of ministry including but not limited to: Administration, Children’s and Youth Ministries and Special Outreach Projects (these hours are included in the work week, not in addition to).

**NOTE: We are a SBC Church Doctrinally with a Modern Worship Style

You can find a current worship service at to see if you feel you would be a good fit for our church